From Genocide to cultural Genocide, Ethnocide, Ethic Cleansing (and desnazification)

  • María del Ángel Iglesias Vázquez Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
Keywords: Genocide, ethnocide, cultural genocide, ethnic cleansing, denazification.


This paper discusses the complexity of the legal debate that arises defining genocide, cultural genocide, ethnocide, or ethnic cleansing. The definitions will differ depending on the discipline from where they are taken, even within the law itself, resulting in conceptual chaos. Cultural genocide appeared in the legal discourse, after the definition given to genocide by the 1948 Convention, followed by ethnocide in the context of the struggle of Indigenous peoples for their rights and that of ethnic cleansing in the context of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia. This expression is incorporated into the law because of its use as an expression in colloquial language, devoid of a technical meaning. This has given rise to clarifications by jurisprudence. Together with these locutions, similar terms make their reappearance, such as denazification, the meaning of which – for the time being – has not yet been clarified by the law.

Received: 22.12.2022
Accepted: 13.06.2023


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Author Biography

María del Ángel Iglesias Vázquez, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)

Profesora de Derecho Internacional Público, Unión Europea y Derechos Humanos.

How to Cite
Iglesias Vázquez, María del Ángel. 2023. “From Genocide to Cultural Genocide, Ethnocide, Ethic Cleansing (and Desnazification)”. Estudios De Deusto 71 (1), 291-320.