On the Regional councils of the judiciary

  • Manuel José Terol Becerra Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Keywords: General Council of the Judiciary, Regional council of the judiciary, Constitution, Supreme Court


This work deals with the General Council of the Judiciary and its decentralization through regional councils of justice. To do this, first its mention the composition, functions and powers of the General Council of the Judiciary, also its mention the relationship between the General Council of the Judicial Power with the Supreme Court, to the the regional councils of justice and then there is an analysis about the implications of the decentralization of the General Council.

Published online: 01 December 2014


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Author Biography

Manuel José Terol Becerra, Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Catedrático de Derecho Constitucional
How to Cite
Terol Becerra, Manuel José. 2014. “On the Regional Councils of the Judiciary”. Estudios De Deusto 60 (1), 145-90. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-60(1)-2012pp145-190.