Tedious irruption of the workers fundamental social rights within the European Union area

  • Manuel María Zorrilla Ruiz Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: Social rights, Social Politic, social protection, constitutional reception, future


The democratic nations of the occidental world received, in the middle of 20th century, the new fundamental rights recognized to the workers. The foundation of the European Communities was due to economic preferences and placed in a secondary level the questions concerning to the Social Politic and the Social Law. After the impulse due to the Single European Act, the Treaty of the European Union and the Treaty of Amsterdam proclaimed the pressure of an adequate social protection. Those basic rights –included in the list of Fundamental Rights for the European Union– were accepted by the Project of the European Constitution, which was not ratified. The Treaty of Lisbon declared the direct effect of this enunciation. The future of the inspected rights depends on the pacific coincidence about the meaning of the European integration and on the sign of the successive economic events.

Published online: 09 December 2014


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Author Biography

Manuel María Zorrilla Ruiz, Universidad de Deusto
Catedrático emérito de Derecho del Trabajo
How to Cite
Zorrilla Ruiz, Manuel María. 2014. “Tedious Irruption of the Workers Fundamental Social Rights Within the European Union Area”. Estudios De Deusto 58 (1), 287-308. https://doi.org/10.18543/ed-58(1)-2010pp287-308.