Del sometimiento al imperio de la ley, a la modernidad del arbitraje

  • Manuel María Zorrilla Ruiz Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: Jurisdiction, Arbitration, Equity, Capacity, Retired Judges


The arbitration of equity involves a kind of composition duty to the necessity of avoiding the excessive delay suffered by the judicial process and the damages caused to the litigants. It supposes a complement of the jurisdiction and a public functions private exercise. The proliferation showed by the jurisdictional equivalents and its irruption in the world of the law, are evident and very useful. The jurists are connected with the sense of the equity and the meaning of the substantial justice. The old judges have made a work subjected to the empire of written law, but the courage of having fighted against this restriction gives them an equitative experience. This experience reveals the capacity to decide the arbitrations according to the natural order, the right reason, the good sense and the respect to the nature of the things.


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Author Biography

Manuel María Zorrilla Ruiz, Universidad de Deusto
Catedrático Emérito de la Universidad de DeustoEx-Presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia del País VascoPresidente de la Asociación de Jueces y Magistrados Jubilados de España
How to Cite
Zorrilla Ruiz, Manuel María. 2012. “Del Sometimiento Al Imperio De La Ley, a La Modernidad Del Arbitraje”. Estudios De Deusto 55 (2), 185-211.