Repercusiones del hecho del consumo en las vicisitudes del Derecho Social

  • Manuel María Zorrilla Ruiz Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: qualitative advantages, dissolution of the industrial conflict, globalization, fact of consumption, labour relations


The events of the fact of consumption are related with the succesive changes of the Social Law. The Welfare State favoured the fact of consumption, duty to the circumstances of the age of the prosperity. The fashion of the productivity increased the fact of consumption and the inconscious cooperation given by the workers to the gain in value in profite of the employers. The economic crisis, complex and limitless, imposed qualitative solutions to put in order the Social Law, protect the slight employment and moderate the propension to the fact of consumption. The globalization has impelled the fact of consumption and has put the basis of the neoliberal treatment for the Social Law, in profite of the capital, but being in detriment of the dependent workers.


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Author Biography

Manuel María Zorrilla Ruiz, Universidad de Deusto
Catedrático Emérito de la Universidad de Deusto Ex-Presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia del País Vasco Presidente de la Asociación de Jueces y Magistrados Jubilados de España
How to Cite
Zorrilla Ruiz, Manuel María. 2012. “Repercusiones Del Hecho Del Consumo En Las Vicisitudes Del Derecho Social”. Estudios De Deusto 54 (2), 279-305.