Assumptions for an interpretation of the political transition in Spain

  • Eloy García López Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Revolución, Constituent Power, dictatorship, society, State, Politics, change, evolution, continuity


It consists of analyzing the political Spanish transition taking as reference what happened in Portugal in 1974, where it took place a revolution followed by a constituent classic process. In Spain in 1975, several internal and external factors, determined that a model of social continuity and a political change with Franco’s regime was imposed. In that way, the civil war take place as a point of break by the past that, it also supposes the introduction of an idea of modernity that is in the base of the social reality, and in some political measure, with which Spain has entered the 21st Century.

Published online: 25 November 2014


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Author Biography

Eloy García López, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Catedrático de Derecho Constitucional
How to Cite
García López, Eloy. 2014. “Assumptions for an Interpretation of the Political Transition in Spain”. Estudios De Deusto 61 (1), 127-53.