The extrajudicial diffusion of the just law v. the challenge of the dimitution of the world

  • Manuel María Zorrilla Ruiz Universidad de Deusto
Keywords: Universal community of free jurists, spaces of evolutive identity, judicial equivalents, desjudicialization, modernity, material justice


The modern society is an organized collectivity which aspires to gain the sway of the material justice in the human relations and surpass the monolitic judicialization of the conflicts. The task of the extrajudicial diffusion of the just law, is undertaken by the universal community of free jurists into the spaces of evolutive identity which are exactly delimited and protected. The common well or secular welfare results of generalizing the just law trough the judicial equivalents as the the mediation and the arbitration. The management of the rules of the natural deposit of the equity includes the facts of creation, evolution and delimitation which promote a consolidate conscience of modernity and a sustained economic development. 

Published online: 02 December 2014


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Author Biography

Manuel María Zorrilla Ruiz, Universidad de Deusto
Catedrático Emérito de la Universidad de DeustoEx-Presidente del Tribunal Superior de Justicia del País VascoPresidente de la Asociación de Jueces y Magistrados Jubilados de España
How to Cite
Zorrilla Ruiz, Manuel María. 2014. “The Extrajudicial Diffusion of the Just Law V. The Challenge of the Dimitution of the World”. Estudios De Deusto 59 (2), 209-35.